Nobody is quite sure where this man came from! Was it above or below from th left or the right no one knows..... Only one thing is sure his dad can definantly not eat anything of the bone. This term can also be used to describe bad weather outside
Jaysus man isn't the weather fierce Eoin Goslin outside?
by keith farrell May 12, 2011
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When someone lurks apon your anus and begs for further action they are doing an Eoin Barry

He just got dirty bazzad
by March 11, 2022
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Eoin Clarke is the sexiest beast in ireland. He is a boxer and gaa player. He has a dreamy black fade and beautiful blue eyes. He is 6ft and weighs 11stone he has big feet which indicates hw has a big dick 😍 he has a lover and he loves her back but he cant show that because of his situation with her. He judges girls by their figure and looks. He is kind, generous and a good friend! You are lucky if you know this boy

by Im fit af October 28, 2018
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Massive cock and really good at fifa, the best footballer in the world and he is ripped as fuck
“I wanna be like Eoin Murphy when I grow up” “how is he so muscly
by Punanipunisher November 23, 2021
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eoin kane thinks he’s the shit when he’s really not. his fav drink red berry boost over bpm (clearly a psychopath) he thinks he’s lethal at football when he’s really just a mid mid (or forward) either way he’s mid. He’s a lank and he fucking loves a kinder milkshake especially ones made by grace chambers he also enjoys calling grace a pole and he loves red sauce and me.
fm eoin kane is such a knob head i hate that prick
by Anonymous🤫 May 25, 2022
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Solid bloke, bit of a twat sometimes all-round pretty great.
Myself - "Anyone seen Eoin"
Eoin - "Hey have you guys heard about Fallout New Vegas"
by Crusaddez June 18, 2022
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"If you have hit a pot of Eoins, you have killed a family"
"i hit a mad Eoin last night"
by Vantrix November 1, 2021
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