by Fluttershy April 21, 2005
by Alfred James July 5, 2007
by rainyday June 14, 2008
Mindless link propagation; as this definition implies, MLP is the aimless or casual sharing of links to websites.
by pwolffe October 10, 2005
A board on 4chan dedicated to discussion about, and things related to, the television show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Created by head admin moot after pony-related posts were cluttering up the /co/ and /b/ boards.
by Dogman15 July 1, 2013
by AlterLynx 2 September 12, 2018
Meaning "Me la Pelas" in Spanish ... Often translated to "suck it". Refering to an action where you have beaten someone else in something and your mockin him. The short-term "M.L.P." is often use texting or while chating.
Mia: You cheated in the game!
Ricardo: No! You just suck. Me la pelas!
Mia: you dirty little hamster!
Reynaldo: I hate you so much!
Ricardo: MLP!
Ricardo: No! You just suck. Me la pelas!
Mia: you dirty little hamster!
Reynaldo: I hate you so much!
Ricardo: MLP!
by ronal108 April 9, 2011