by Darth Ridley March 10, 2007
by roger May 17, 2004
Short form of "Gaelic Athletic Association" which is the strange irish sports... gaelic football, hurling, handball etc...
by Cully April 1, 2003
by St. Ias September 18, 2005
A declaration of general displeasure with the context of said statement. May be used at any situation where something triggers a general negative reaction. No further explanation is needed, and it is important to point out GaAs can be used in written form as well, such as on Facebook.
by XIKermiester June 27, 2010
A noise that is made in the middle of a physical strain to help to body deal with the tension.
It can also be used as a sound that is made in the middle of a punch.
It can also be used as a sound that is made in the middle of a punch.
by Vertzberger March 8, 2020
Get An Attention Span
"GAAS": An e-reply to the Internet acronym TLDR (when used to mean "Too Long, Didn't Read"). Sarcastic, but appropriate when the length of the original message was only "too long" for a sound bite bitten, txt msgd, acronym atrophied brain.
by Mike Grissom May 21, 2006