In the process of cleaning your ear, you experience a sensational feeling.
cleaning your ear with a q-tip and you hit this spot that feels like and orgasm in your ear that is called an eargasm.
by eargasimer July 14, 2010
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When a sound (typically a song or speech) is so perfect it overwhelms you with a feeling of strong bliss and pleasure, much like an orgasm... except in your ear.
1. OMG! Alex Gaskarth's (All Time Low lead singer) voice is so perfect it's eargasmical
2. That speech was so perfectly orated I almost had an eargasm
by Kingbossum October 2, 2012
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The sensation you get when you hear a really good song.
Person 1: Did you hear that new song thats number 1 in the charts?

Person 2: Yeah, it gave me an eargasm!
by samrichardson12345 April 25, 2011
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/n/ an intense sexual pleasure that occurs when you hear some GREAT music, such as your favorite band on the radio or your iPod__sometimes occurs while high on marijuana or acid tripping
Patrick would always have a massive eargasm anytime he heard his favorite band Alkaline Trio through his earphones while he was high on marijuana.
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Epic music that makes you have an orgasm in your ear.
Dude, Daft Punk's new album is a total eargasm!
by IAMABUTT!!!! February 20, 2011
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An amazing feeling you get when you lay on you side for 5 minutes with peroxide, drain it out, then dig with a Q-tip.
Janis: James, what are you doing?
James: I’m cleaning my ears and having an eargasm.
Janis: You know putting the Q-tip in all the way can push down wax, right?
James: nah, the peroxide got rid of it ah ah aaah alll... wow, that was good.
by H Heroine February 10, 2018
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- whenever someone says something so awesome that it feels like someone just splooged in your ears and want to procreate with them immediately or high-five the shit out of them, dependent on gender and preference.

- when music such as a song, record, or certain part of a tune is so awesome, stellar and otherwordly that it feels like someone just made love to your ear holes and you climaxed in your brain with the deed filling your skull like apricot jelly.
" Did you hear what she just said? I think I had two eargasm's within thirty seconds, and we just met!"

" I had the most intense eargasm from the breakdown and solo thanks to the second tune off the new MMJ record!"
by blyndmelun February 8, 2013
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