a reference to the Eastern European country known as Moldova

termed by Funky Frank

"pronounced "Dohve"
We going back to the Dove this Saturday!

My homies back in tha Dove are on Stefan Cel Mare
by funkyfrank October 16, 2019
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Damn, check out the body on that girl. She is a fucking dove!
by Soup and Toast November 28, 2007
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a term to describe a man's spouse.
"My dove bought me a diamond studded Jacob watch for our anniversary."
by omarisstar101 May 31, 2007
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Refers to a peacemaker, pacifist. One who prefers diplomacy over warfare. Opposite of hawk.
Barry: Why does every candidate turn into a hawk halfway into their presidency?
Robert: I dunno, man. I wish we had a dove for president so we could get out of the fourty-two billion countries we're bombing for oil.
by UDUser4820 December 28, 2017
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A brand of soap endorsed my the South Korean Boy Band BTS.
Hey have you used Dove before?
Yeah! I saw it on Run BTS!
by Plentae April 6, 2019
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A dumbass word that a dumbass made since the e at the end is supposed to make the o say its own name making it dove as in I dove under the sink. Why the fuck is it spelled like Dove anyway since there isn’t even an o sound in the word. that’s a fucking u and you can’t convince me otherwise
Samantha: “Doves are so pretty”

James: “You’re so fucking dumb
by Why are slugs so hot January 8, 2022
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