Verb. When a company or person commits to deliver a solution and or meet you at a specific time or window and ends up delivering or arriving sometime shortly after that time / window.

To be comcasted'ed, or I commonly comcast.
Would you like t o setup your service from 8-12 or 12-4? 8-12 please. When they show up at 1:00 after requesting the 8-12 they have comcasted you.
by Swotz April 30, 2010
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A internet/tv provider that costs $19.95....for the first five months that is. after that it costs aroung $85. it has 800+ channels, though like 200 of theme are spanish, and another 50 or so has the same exact thing on as the channel below or beneth it. the internet price is worth it if you are a seroius gamer who wants no lag. it feature a terrible collection of free movies that you've most likesly never heard of. the good movies cost like $5.00 to see.
If you get comcast, prepare to drop alot of money.....
by imjustapoorboynobodylovesme December 1, 2006
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A company almost as bad as Verizon. Crappy service, inflated prices, and someone tell me, what's the deal with them giving you remotes that say "Adelphia" and "RCA" and "Cablevision" on them? Can't they afford to brand their own remotes?
Some people confuse Verizon with Comcast because both of their logos are red and black.
by Home slice August 22, 2005
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Comcasting is actually a sex move in which you shit on your partners face while punching them in their genitals and then send them a bill for it.
The tyrannical CEO of Comcast paradoxically enjoyed being comcasted as he was usually the one comcasting everyone else.
by DCVulcan3 November 2, 2015
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The worst ISP in the united states. They are one of the many companies that do not give two fucks about what you want. You pay for high-speed internet. they give you the wrong speed, when questioned they say it was just a goof.
Me: Why the fuck is my internet so slow?
Comcast: because half of the speed you pay for is lost on its way to your house
Me: That's bullshit, that doesn't even make logical sense!
Comcast: it's because we are Comcast. We don't give a fuck about what you paid for you useless cunt faggot ass bitch.
by DickwadCumberpatch February 27, 2016
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How I feel as a technician who serves Comcast customers after reading alternate definitions of "comcastic".
Hey, you know what makes me feel like a total prick? the fact the word comcastic is in any way associated with me. Isn't that just fucking comcastic?
by plzdonmakemeh8myself_anymore September 2, 2012
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Pejorative, in honor of the infamous cable provider. Used to describe someone who treats everyone with utter contempt and goes to incredible lengths to inconvenience and even sabotage everyone they're involved with in any and every way possible. Denies any responsibility for doing so.
1. Tim is such a giant comcast, why are we even friends with him?

2. "John, you comcast! I know you're stealing money from me!"
*denies taking any money*
"Dude I saw you do it."
"Well ok, I was just providing a service. Your wallet is lighter now, isn't it?"
"Gimme my money back, you fucking comcast!"
by Hodor123 March 6, 2015
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