An amalgamation of the words "Chav" and "Cunt". Typically used to describe an Orpington resident, the word Chunt can also be used to describe any hoody wearing, pikey scumbag.

The word Chunt is also more socially acceptable than Cunt, and can therefore be used in situations where it's usually not acceptable to swear. Or at work...
E.g. Look at that chunt taking a piss on the train. Next stop Orpington!
by Smileytony August 15, 2010
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Short fat annoying cunty-cuntish-cunt female. Mix of the word chode and cunt.
"Look at that CHUNT over there at the bar bitching and complaining because shes too fat and stupid to realize all the men don't want her."
by BIG_C March 30, 2013
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The combination of the words cholo and cunt to make chunt, which is a latino women's vagina, specifically a cholo's vagina
"Man berg you such a chunt, shut up chunt go back to mexico cholo."

"Man yo chunt smells like tacos and pica de gallo man shit."

"Aw fuh naw chunt."

"Maid you sposed to clean not be such a chunt, cholo cunt chunt."
by Erik Berg December 23, 2008
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Charity cunt - Those people who stalk you on the street to try and get you to donate money
Park street is full of chunts, it's so annoying!
by d00gz June 16, 2011
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A more polite version of the common word for flange and curtains. Can be expanded on in the usual ways.
She had a chunt like a clowns trouser pocket etc
by Martin December 10, 2002
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(N.) A vagina whose width exceeds its depth. A vagina that is wider than it is deep. A mixture of the words cunt and chode.
Jerry has a chode, and finally found a woman with a chunt to fit into perectly.
by spoooooner March 9, 2010
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The Vagina Shaped hair under on a man's chin directly under his bottom lip. A combination of chin and "cunt" Only use this when the "Chunt" is been shaven around. Doesn't qualify when it's part of a full beard.
Frank got a bit of food in his chunt.
by ChristianS May 15, 2007
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