To strike someone with a foreign, hard plastic object. A bonk will usally result in a loud "crack" if performed corectly. A well place hit on the elbow, head (skull), knee, or spine will result in a red inflammed welt which will be sensitive to the touch for hours.
"Yesterday Jeff bonked Bert in the side on the head with his nalgene in the hall"

"If you you don't shut your fucking mouth im going bonk you with this broken "bop it" i got a garage sale last week!!
by Hershcle February 22, 2008
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A fantastic Polish American last name. Translated roughly to mean, the bearer of this name takes no shit! The Name is also fun at parties.
by Mike Bonk May 14, 2004
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“Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha I hurt people. *boink* I’m a force of nature. *bonk* if you were from where I was from, you’d be f*ckin’ dead. *chaotic screaming* Whooo!
by JamEpix August 25, 2019
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An automated forum bot with emoticon capacity. A post count of 49,999 will cause a reroll.
Bonk crashed and won't be back up untill tomorrow.
by Steve Roberson May 4, 2005
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an expression utterd when hitting some one when playing the game "bonk". the game bonk is simply when some one responds to a question you ask, you smack them and say bonk. eventually the person should realize whats going on, and the game is spread.

the game is especially captivating on planes and buses.
suggestions: don't start a game up with people who are significantly bigger than you, or people that irritate easily.
by sleepisbetter June 13, 2003
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intercourse; to have intercourse.

British usage. Somewhat similar to "boink" in the U.S.
I bonked a girl last nigh; later it felt better when I bonked my bf.

Hey, dude, do you bonk her more than once a day?
by stsebastian November 29, 2009
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Jade and Darrick are in the process of bonking right now
by Leah Moss February 15, 2007
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