the act of placing an ice cube in the vagina whilst rubbing the clitoris for sexual stimulation
Timmy gave Jane The Blizzard whilst performing oral sex.
by Fred Augustine Gerard December 8, 2008
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An expletive that arised after the North American release of World of Warcraft to describe the gaming company's actions or negative things that occur in game.
"That blizzarding ninja-looter!"
"OMBG-Oh my blizzarding god!"
"B' that"
by Carolyn March 6, 2005
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Mitch Kents favorite snack
Mitch weighs 400 lbs. from eating too many blizzards
by jumbo September 26, 2003
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A large ammount of cocaine
talking so quickly with so much ease
i think you might have just snorted a blizzard
by kokhed January 14, 2006
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1.Cocaine, See Snow..
2. Very Good Cocaine That
Corey Likes To Sniff.
Mullins: Hey Looks Like There's a Blizzard Today

Corey: Where At?

Mullins: In You're Nose Player
by BoBoTheHoe June 2, 2005
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When you see the smoke spiraling up through the chamber of a bong as if a helluva storm is brewing and preparing to assault your lungs.

Once the blizzarding stops and the chamber is an opaque white, its time to clear it.
Mannnnn me and my buddy were packing poppers in my Bong, that thing was non stop blizzarding.
by Blem nigga May 31, 2009
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A bonko game company (thanks for Warcraft guys!)

The weather occurance that happens to Buffalo, NY far too often.
Aw man, there's a blizzard outside - better play some Warcraft (oh hey, that's my Blizzard - que ironico).
by Boochies August 27, 2003
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