Bernie: after having sex you pull ur cock out and poop an orange die on her face..
gonna give the missus tonite the bernie special..
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He is the most amazing guy you could ever meet. He is very funny, caring,kind sweet. Everyone wants a bernie in their life because if you do, your a lucky person.
Person 1 - 'her Fiancees name is Bernie'
Person 2- 'man...i wish i had a Bernie'
by I love bernie April 22, 2017
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Bernied - verb - Bur-NYED -When the Democratic National Committee colludes with the candidate they want and exploit every trick in the book, such as giving said candidate the town hall answers early. Anything to get their candidate nominated, even if the general public hates that candidate and said candidate is plagued with scandal after scandal including an open FBI investigation the week before election day.
Guy 1: "Beto is running as Democrat in 2020! He's going to get Bernied!"
Guy2: "Yeah, The Super Delegates are just going to pick the DNC nominee anyway."
Guy1: "The DNC Primary is rigged. Beto was such a good candidate too!"
by JohnSmith1495 February 12, 2019
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taking 2 shots of whiskey and 3 beers gets you fucked up.
dude i got fucking bernied last night
by Dr3adGazebo January 25, 2019
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The most honest, hot, and incredible man. He is in the first Incredibles. He always has a camera, and hates dash because he out thumb tacks on his stool. Whenever near this man, never have thumb tacks. Or he will be mad and call you a rat. But still one hell of a guy.
Dash: I never put thumb tacks on your stool.
Bernie: Yes you did!
by DONT BERNIE ME July 25, 2018
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Bernie is the name of our Messiah and means "redeemer of Life" in the Language of God.

today is Bernie used for something great or awesome in the popculture
Hey , you are so Bernie, wanna go out with me?
Jea sure , would be Bernie
by Church of Bernie November 23, 2021
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v. (past tense) When someone passes out at a party and gets dressed up like Bernie from the movie "Weekend at Bernies".
"Hey man Jim just passed out!"
"Woah shit! You got the blue blazer and Ray-bans?"
"Check. Dude's gonna get fuckin' Bernied."
by givrpig420 April 4, 2013
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