A man that will steal your heart and your soul all in one bite. He is smart. He is handsome. He is protective.
I wish I had myself a bandit.
by IamFoxy June 22, 2022
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1. A rogue
2. A naughty boy
3. A bad ass mo fo
4. A small shrew like animal who likes to eat copious amounts of tasty trout
by Jonny Weldon January 12, 2004
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A sex move: Performed with 3 people (2 men and a women) Blindfold your girl and start doing her from behind while she's facing a window, now quietly switch places with the other man and have him start doing her while you go outside and have the other man un-blindfold the girl and you wave at her from outside the window.
On a side note: She doesn't know that there are two men and that she is going to be doing two men before this move is preformed.
A - Dude! Me and my bro just did the bandit on her!
B - Yeah man she totally freaked!
by Colinmandudebro December 9, 2008
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In Military/Air Force terms, an identified radar contact that is confirmed to be hostile to the pilot.
"Bandits have entered operation airspace. Intercept and destroy."

"Bandits down!!"
by dvdwinter9 December 28, 2006
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solid, bad ass, above greatness, bandit > awesome
these chicken wings are bandit son....
by goose5060 May 19, 2011
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participating in a road race without officially registering for it.
Rich ran the local 5k road race, but he came across the finish line with no bib or chip, pissing off the race directors and officials because he was banditing. That is, he never officially registered and/or paid for participation in the road race. As such, even though Rich crossed the tape before any one else and won it, his performance was not recorded in the results.
by Yukagin April 12, 2010
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To run a road race without paying the entry fee.
I was low on cash this week, so I bandit'ed the race.
by p0troast July 8, 2005
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