A type of animation originally from Japan, Commonly mistaken for Hentai.

unlike hentai anime can be completely non-sexual and kid friend (sometimes).

most people who watch anime prefer it more than regular cartoons because of "plot" A.K.A the drama of a show.

some commonly mistake hentai for anime because of its similar animation. my is opinion on hentai is that it has absolutely no plot and anything interesting about it. so don't even try to compare them

most people who compare anime to hentai are annoying little cunts who probably watch porn and know nothing about hentai.
Person 1: Hey are you watching hentai!
Person 2: No its fucking anime you cunt.
person 1: don't lie to me I know your watching hentai
by Samurai20208 June 18, 2019
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Something that I could not live without.
fangirl 1: OMG! did you see that Anime Death Note??!?
both fangirls: *squeee*
by ickyvicky117 August 7, 2011
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The worst animation that has ever benn concevied by mankind.

Another word for shit(pertaining to t.v)
Joe: OMG did you be seein this.

Bob: Hells no, that be anime style for sho.

Joe: Yous know it!
by Vtlo December 19, 2006
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Pronounced gay, it is the worst form of entertainment ever, created by a bunch of Japanese faggots that eat mushrooms all day, and for those of you who like it... entertainment.

A bunch of fags watch it, all it is is a bunch of fags with fucked up hair screaming out loud with power, and follow your heart shit... It's Linkin' Park's love movie...
IM A FUCKING FAG I WATCH ANIME! Hooray! I witnessed the power of love! GASP!!!!
by Mitch Varley March 29, 2006
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A Idiotic Type Of Cartoon From Japan That Is Very Dumb.
by NYCKid December 22, 2008
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Crap they pass of as TV.
Damn man, why are you watching that anime?
by Shizno May 23, 2005
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A very inferior form of cartoon originating in this little shithole island we nuked twice in the 40's. CHaracters are drawn with fair skin, large eyes, and rather creepily common blonde hair. What's THAT say to you?
"I like to watch Anime, which is an expression of the Japanese's envy of white people!"
by grindmyscrotum July 8, 2005
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