Typically a male, obtaining no discrete look, who is high on priority of self and sometimes egocentric. This type of being usually enjoys fucking people over and has no concern for anyone around him. Recklessness and arrogance are generally the defining factors of this person's behaviors.
Donte' fucks with all the hoes in DC area he a fuck boy.

I was waitin' like five hours for this nigga he had to put his pretty boy face on

fuck you mean I don't get hoes? You know i'm a fuck boy.
by Arizona Green Tea February 8, 2015
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Total loser annoying loud dramatic guy who acts like a pussy. No one truly likes a fuck boy they just tolerate them. He's a back stabber he's totally obsessed with himself and has no reason to be he's ugly. He's controlling and annoying
Ty johns is a real fuck boy.
by Amfpq March 9, 2015
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A fuck boy is someone who talks a lot of shit, but can't back it up. Usually known for putting up a front.

How to spot a fuck boy:

- claims to have "hoes"
- drives a Honda Civic.

- always lying.

- respects his mom, but not women.

- smokes weed.

- claims to have "style" "swag"
He's such a fuck boy, claiming to have all those thots.
by Cristenvall November 26, 2014
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Girl #1: See that boy there?
Girl #2: Who, Luke?
Girl #1: Yeah what a fuck boy
by jacksonisapleb November 18, 2015
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A stupid boy that plays with your feelings and gets your hopes up and tells you he loves you but in reality he is a pathetic boy who has a girl friend and doesn't really care about your feelings at all .. But to him, you're the hoe
by 090sm March 17, 2015
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some nigga that goes from girl to girl to girl to girl in a matter of a week and wants nudes from anyone with a vagina
"you like Taz?"
"nah! he a fuck boy."
by They call me Dorinda December 2, 2015
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A boy who hops from girl to girl leading them on then leaving them on the spot
Brandon is such a fuck boy he left her now hes with Racheal
by MadElinE0227 February 8, 2015
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