to unintentionaly prevent someone from getting laid
that fag is a sock glove
by iusedtolikepoptarts January 18, 2010
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Shoving your fist so far up your sisters anus that you can open and close her belly button with her large intestine
Cleatus: W'hell, how'd it go fuckin' your sister last night, Tyler?

Tyler: It went great! I had one hell-of-a time doin' the Alabama Glove Puppet on my sisters booty-hole for my parents!
by alabama_glove_puppet_master September 7, 2021
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When the gynecologist has jar of used gloves that he saves from hot chicks he used them on so he can sniff them later. Sometimes he labels them with patient names
Dr. Goldstein enjoys a nice hard whiff from one of his sniffing gloves before he jerks off.
by Brandon6666 April 17, 2021
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When you jizz the in the sleeve of someones jacket sleeve. When the person puts there arm in the sleeve there hand is covered in white.
Teddy Bear why did you jizz in my sleeve? I got Wedding gloved.
by Teddy Beab February 2, 2011
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When you drop your cell phone into the can…while texting. Dutch Glove Trigger can be acquired after attempting to retrieve the device with an unprotected hand.

The hand can develop an involuntary symptom where it goes limp at awkward times. Those witnessing the hand going limp could/might assume the individual is gay. The remedy is to purchase a glove from a company in Amsterdam which deters the trigger action of the hand.
Poor Lou. He was talking to his boss when his Dutch Glove Trigger acted up. The boss thought he was coming onto him. He was fired and ended up working as a coat check supervisor at the Arch Cafe.
by trumpblows April 24, 2022
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glove, or gloving. a term for lesbians when they say “bro” or “dude” in a romantic way, but the other person doesn’t realize.
i just called my crush dude, how do i let her know that i’m gay? did i just glove myself?
by brybeebb April 2, 2020
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