Will's perfect pool game. Just enough whiskey to keep nimble, sharp, and creative makes this a killer combination in billiards.
by Xayla2424 December 18, 2020
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An edgy, or punk, way of saying "free thinker" or "liberty minded."
Tom is a thought anarch; he researches everything for himself instead of blindly following.
by jborg_arts February 8, 2023
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when one is in a deep or emotional state to where they are in peace to think about a special someone.
this girl i know is a thoughtful trance
by Duck from cfield February 16, 2007
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A thought that is there but isn’t at the same time it is also able to keep you from thinking right and make you upset it basically is a stuck thought that is a void and it spreads so yeah it sucks
Ugh limbo thoughts suck they are voids that spread to other thoughts and you can’t shake them
by Ultra bot October 23, 2023
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When you have a life-illuminating thought while on the toilet, particularly pissing.
Dude... I had the craziest squat thought while passing that kidney stone.
by ILoveMyKittyCat June 21, 2023
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When your driving and on morphine, on a beautiful sunny spring day, with your dirt bike in the back and you see a car next to you, and you think it's a sand nag, so you become filled with extreme opi rage which would ruin your entire conception of what it means to be up north riding, (unless your in Baldwin) and then, suddenly you realize its not actually a sand nag so you get super happy.
Fucking idiot:so dude, do you think i could get an apprenticeship?
The og biker: yeah dude, I'll see what I---
by HondaBend666 October 1, 2020
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Thoughts of regret before your head is put in high pressure, only people who live through a crushed head experience this.
This Person Has Conprestinational Thoughts.
by Vortex Define August 13, 2019
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