Another way of saying "That's a personal problem".
Dude: My girlfriend just broke up with me.
Friend: That's a purse.
by Thegraveclamp July 21, 2023
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the stash of "good shit" you hold back for yourself.
Come on Ol' girl bust out the "purse", I know this ain't the good shit you are selling me.
by Rex Turbo October 25, 2007
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When YOUR ASSHOLE taken from you and the ultimate solution lies in the PURSE MODEL.
Hey ANAL ALAN they can't see your ASSHOLE yet but when we get the PURSE. you will have an ASSHOLE again, " oh excellent is I hope you pick out one for this admitted PEDOPHILE PUSHER , oh we at the URBAN DID, " what would that be " ya gang" , well that be no DICK, no NUTS , no SCROTUM , and no PROSTATE as save the best for last , as you would have a real nice ASSHOLE , and not only that you would feel SOCIAL SECURITY from this PURSE treatment is over as we give you that VAGINA but to you , "IT'S A FUCKING CUNT", once again , "ASSHOLE FACE'.
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1. The irrefutable law that any woman with a purse dog is a pretentious, vapid cunt
If you brave the perils of Purse Dogma, you and your little dog are going to hell bitch
by PaulAllensCard August 15, 2020
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To quote "bump bussys with someone" or "slap them bootay cheeks"
*slaps ass*
"Not in public, we can touch purses later"
by Urmomisshrexy November 15, 2021
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Like a chicklet you find at the bottom of your purse that you just have to eat.
I broke my tooth on a piece of purse gum.
by E = (MC)(MC) August 22, 2021
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That thing when you carry a midget under your arm and put the things you would normally put into you pockets into its mouth
Girrrrl you really need to ditch that rank ass Louis V and get yourself one of these fly Human Purses
by Futt Bucker69 September 27, 2020
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