A pale, hermit-like creature that will only leave its lair when its ran out of things to pwn, and it has the chance to salivate at the sight of alien beauties (_any_ women)

It's mating call is a distinctive "nnnggghhhhhhh, im too stoned to pwn"
Nah, solid couldnt come to the pub he had a clanmatch
by bronsonite June 4, 2003
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A Very brave g that you can count on.Women tend to love them for thier manliness and money making abilities.
by Bad G February 1, 2017
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A solid with atoms so dense and compact that basic physics shows that it cannot be condensed further. However the existance of this is questionable as every bit of matter we have ever discovered can be condensed. (Which includes stars, black holes, etc.) Having so much density means that it would also weigh an incredible ammount and be so hot that not matter what it is, it would evaporate and destroy everything within a huge radius almost instantly. It can also be used to over-exaggerate something.
''That crane is so heavy it's like an ultra solid.'' (Simile)
''Imagine if we somehow managed to create and safely contain an ultra solid'.'
by Screek geek January 10, 2018
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A solid nit is when you bust a nut with your foreskin still pulled over ya tip and the nut kinda goes into solid bits all over ya dick
person 1: “I busted a fat nut last night”

Person 2: “I busted a solid nut last night”

Person 1: “Pussy”
by FatNutMan101 March 4, 2018
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A phrase used when a student performs exceedingly well on half a project but fails on the other half. The student then says with great charisma that's a solid 60 to earn pity and mercy from the teacher.
"I said half of the poem with great delivery despite not knowing the rest. I believe I deserve a solid 60 ms. Schwab."
"Robert You can do better you can have an additional day"
by Dan the Rman April 4, 2016
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when a men shits in a girl mouth and pisses in it then beats her
me and this girl did a solid and spoiled last night shit was crazyyyy
by Bax 0-0 February 11, 2021
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