Military phonetic alphabet for "Go fuck yourself." Look at the first letter of each word.
I told my commanding officer the coordinates were: "Golf Oscar Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Sierra Echo Lima Foxtrot." Thank god he never learned I told him to go fuck himself.
by CharlieUniformNovemberTango January 6, 2017
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When you're a manager and strive to get the lowest score possible on ab employee feedback survey. This is not golf but the manager arrives to believe the lowest employee satisfaction survey possible is best.
Manager Rob: I got a 15 on my employee feedback survey.

Employee Tina: You know that's golf management, right! You want a high, not low, score.
by EggsRSides April 7, 2022
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A kickass wii golf game that was popular back in 2006. Not many people, or anyone at all, remembers it.
"Hey have you ever played Super Swing Golf?"

"Nope, never heard of it."
by Ace_66669 April 17, 2022
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Speaking in a whispered tone like you hear on tv when a golfer is about to take a shot. golf, whispering, whisper, talking, speaking, speech, hush
We were in the movie theater and Jack was golf talking throughout the movie, it was so annoying.
by joecoolthefool September 21, 2017
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The pure joy of not hearing ones family because you are far enough away from them. This usually takes place on a trip of some sort where golf is played and large quantities of alcohol are consumed. This rare occurrence usually lasts for 3-5 days and is as infrequent as eggs benedict. Often caused by marriage.
While on a golf trip John asked Did you hear that?
Mike: No
Phil: Me either
by Par 1 and 10 May 20, 2013
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The act of sexual intercourse where you fuck in a golf cart
friend: “hey wanna jump on the flying golf cart game”
me: “yeah obviously
by ____xxxxsarah____ August 9, 2021
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When you put one of your balls in someones hole
Jack: I totally went mini golfing with Erin last night!
Tyrone: that’s dope, nigga
by Bill cosby’s boyfriend June 4, 2023
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