someone who does not want to be a part of a capitalistic society and thinks that they can actually acomplish it. They acomplishit. Someone who thinks that they are saving cows by not eating them. Someone who thinks that walmart crys because they do not shop there. It is not listening to indie rock or buying thrift store cloaths. It is doing these things with the beleif that doing these things will save the world. Hipsters will never refer to themselves as hipsters
"I think proformance art will change the world"hipster
by lucyevelyn January 4, 2006
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See examples.

1 ) the hipster does the beneficial thing but is too lazy to fight for other people to do the same )
2 ) the hipster does the beneficial action but gets off at the fact that he is the unique person in a world of people who do the negative action)
3) possibly a person who finds the definition of words on to be pure ART due to their crude/funny/common-man nature. )
4 )possibly a person who types up ambiguous definitions of the term hipster )
5 ) possibly a person who enjoys blogging in lower case letters only due to their uniqueness and the love of the art of being unique
6 ) possibly a person who uses a modern day ( 2011 ) outlet such as to admit that they are a hipster ( despite the fact that admitting you are a hipster is the biggest stigma of hipster culture ).
7 ) A person who would type such a definition a feel as though they have betrayed the "Underground Sophisticated Artists God of the Universe" ( the god being a metaphor for the character itself )
8 ) One who types defintions of the term "hipster" while high on marijuana and while drunk off of two beers
9 ) People who know a lot and because of this act differently and SOMETIMES negatively to people who don't know the generally fun fact information they know.
10 ) They are not all mean. Some really are smart people who are willing to be nice to people because they realize that people will understand their character in a more
positive light with more respect if they act nice.
11 ) People who type definitions of the term hipster in a positive way to show people that not all young art students who brag a lot about having cool artsy scene experiences and also have artistic glory as well as knowing a library of fun facts are mean or pretentious people. People who write because their is a lacking in the modern world of the real unknown humble and starving artists not getting love because too many damn negative hipsters are competing in the world against positive hipsters.

Some hipsters believe there are positive and negative hipsters. Positive hipsters don't slander the name of hipsters causing society to view them as a lazy group of people.

Maybe people who agree with this AREN'T HIPSTERS at all?! What if we "Positive Nice Hipsters" are something entirely different? What if some of us are truly ARTIST OF BEING HUMBLE and HUMBLE ARTISTS. We will never know because society deams those who except that they belong to those terms are automatically deamed hipsters due to an automatic assumption that the individual probably ISN'T that great of an artist or genius. Someone who understands the beauty of this definition being an example in a way of the true lows a person can go to in terms of being a "nerdy internet blogger or bitcher" while also being an auto journal.
by Jericho Machiavelli January 29, 2011
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A retarded kid who was allowed to dress themselves for the first time.
That guy looks like he is a retarded kid who was allowed to dress himself for the first time. Hipster.
by NatsMcGee July 22, 2009
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In short, conceded a**hole who thinks they are better than everybody else because the don't roll with the "main-stream" crowd.
Coppercab(angry ginger kid)

person 1: Dude, did u hear the new Ke$ha song?
person 2: No way! She sucks, and besides everybody listens to her.
person 1: Stop being such a hipster!
by The MainStream November 27, 2011
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One subjected to the corporate, postmodern reheating of the beat culture, following in the footsteps of subcultures such as punk in the reappropriation of earlier cultural artifacts to create a sense of identity and meaning in the neoliberal post-cold war era. It is embraced by a relatively small cross-section of broadly liberal, bourgeois and metropolitain young people, because this group is the advertising industry's target demographic for items of conspicuous consumption. The hipster labours under the illusion of vitality, agency and difference, when all the subculture can aspire to is another iteration of post-industrial, postmodern consumer culture, and one exceedingly more open to co-option, repackaging and branding than punk or hip hop because of a political passivity, and the disposable income of its largely middle-class advocates.
What defines the hipster seems to be merely material, but also pathological introspection and self-consciousness, perhaps amplified by the fragmentation of society in a free market, and the rise of the self-centred 'apsiration' culture of the noughties; one that hipsters often think themselves very much apart from, but very much engage in.

Overall, it is a youth culture borne lifestyle choice rather than any meaningful social struggle and is, with every lenseless spec frame, every thread of distressed denim and bottlecap of Pabst, irrevocably part of what it so petulantly but naively dismisses as mainstream culture.
Anton; Hey, why do hipsters think they're independently-minded and breaking new artistic ground when they look the same and like the same stuff, usually indie music?
Chekov: Yes, their much vaunted cultural awareness creates such a sweet sense of schadenfreude in educated people. The hipster is blissfully unaware that his subculture is very much part of the wider cultural spasm of consumer capitalism expressing itself, and borrows heavily from previous subcultures. His jejune posturing is almost as endearing as that of schoolyard Marxists.
by Max Biggins January 23, 2014
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Originally a word for 1930's Jazz enthusiasts; the word "Hipster" has since been applied to a vaguely defined and semi-mythical counter-culture movement allegedly centered around socialising at overpriced coffee shops and listening to bands that You have never heard of.
Few of these peculiar hominids have ever been seen by man, and most footage is unverifiable.

As of the early 2010's the word also became an acceptable way of insulting anybody who's tastes differ to your own, in any way, and as a result, has completely lost all meaning.
Ex 1.

So I drove up to Portland last saturday looking for Hipsters;
I thought I saw one, but it was just some regular guy in a flannel shirt.

Ex 2.

Todd: I was listening to the new GY!BE and Rachael told me to 'turn that Hipster crap off'

Howard: Haha, what does that even mean?
by Psychedelic Warlord February 16, 2014
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(1) Hipster's are people who follow the latest trends.
They've been a contradiction all along.

(2) People who don't go by the things society and the media tells them to do.
(1) Go to Forever 21. It's where all the "hipsters" go.

(2) Who said hipsters are assholes?
by Nyctophilia April 2, 2013
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