this is when someone always have to be the center of attention and always being dramatic, or crazy or stupid as fuck shit to get everyone attention all the time and no one else can get the lime light.
this girl is such a attention whore eating her hard as cold as scones.
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when someone craves attention
for example " lottie is an attention whore "
by gunty November 30, 2014
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Also known as Kari Byron from Mythbusters. An annoying bitch who turned into an attention whore the moment the limelight shone upon her and fame went to her stupid head.
Fuck me, that bitch Kari Byron is such an attention whore. Her personality flipped 180 degrees the moment she got famous. Dumb bitch.
by johnv1988 October 15, 2020
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Georgia Mourmourmis
Ugh she’s such an attention whore
*Ugh she’s such a Georgia Mourmourmis*
by 3======D August 13, 2018
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People who are seeking for attention.They would do anything,like fall of a school building to desperately get everybody's attention.The whore part is like a slut.So someone who is selling for attention that is a rapist...
She's such an attention whore
by Butter Cramp May 25, 2015
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Someone who is desperate for attention and is fake, looking for people to love her/him.
by Minehodgid September 24, 2018
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