A Term to describe a dry Vagina.
Guy 1: Ohhh yeah she was all for it.
Guy 2: Oh wow you luck guy!
Guy 1: Oh I know! But she had a really pink desert which was depressing.
Guy 2: Oh, that ruined it then
by Maxiesnax March 21, 2012
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the best map maker in aw3, also a british man
Desert Mammoth has taken the workshop
by dedqfervefwf October 20, 2020
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A barren wasteland of muscle that may span the entire torso and throughout the rest of the body, consisting of little to no fat or body hair.
"Blake's huge, muscular chest is so barren of hair or fat"
"Yeah man, he's got a chest desert"
by Garvin Shovel August 17, 2019
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whereas just "food desert" is currently considered (more from public health perspective) as places where the local populations do not have (convenient) access to affordable, healthy food, this more wholistic concept is a less human-centric understanding that implies both, a low, non-proportionate amount of food grown, and dependency on (usually both environmentally unsustainable and imbalanced fossil fuel energies and farm land stewardship) less-/unnatural imports of food from "non-renewable" or less lively (e.g. degraded/depleted top soils and watersheds) source farms
After being affected by the spirit of "deep ecology", I had a fresher awareness of the ironic, or at least unnatural, situation of how the grocery stores, markets, restaurants, etc. made it appear like there's an abundance of food, but our less- or unhealthy human-built environment that had me dependent on unsustainable, imbalanced energies (like fossil fuels and their corresponding implements) actually was an ecological food desert.
by kikibo22 July 12, 2019
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The one person you would want with you if you were stranded on a desert island.
Megan Fox is definitely my desert island person.
by ca22ny June 30, 2011
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One whom lives in and off of the desert, Sand man, Desert Hobo
I got robbed by them damn desert pikee's
by Rorshak June 28, 2011
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