The feeling of wanting something due the way it makes you feel. Such as it looks aesthetically pleasing to you.
I wish I had that view from my balcony, I feel aesthetic emptiness
by Mr. McJudgerson January 20, 2023
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Exhausted, depleted, unable or unwilling to continue, for example at the end of a night or your life. From what they call trains which are returning to a depot without unloading passengers at the end of the night.
"Fancy another drink?" "No I've had enough, I'm empty to the depot"
"Hey wife let's have another baby" "No thanks I already have a fanny like a wizard's sleeve, I'm empty to the depot"
by threebythree February 27, 2009
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Hair that has been bleached or stripped to shit so it’s frizzy af. No dye or pigment left, your hair is a shell.
Time to dye my hair again, I’m sick of these empty noodles!
by Shitdisturber1738 January 17, 2020
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carrying an unloaded firearm
"yeah, James is going empty to the fight"
by katelinner February 1, 2015
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When your life is super easy, whether it be due to White Collar Steroids, or simply, things that are difficult or stressful for others are given to you.
Lance: Man, I cant even get an INTERVIEW for this role and I have all the credentials, how the heck did Keith get the job, he is an actual moron.

Spencer: Keegan's dad is a big deal at the firm, set the whole thing up. His life is an empty net goal.

Lance: Man, I wish MY life was an empty net goal, who the fuck wants to pay a mortgage every month.

Spencer: Ya, the worst is Keith acts like all of this is difficult for him. Like, Brosef, we know your life is an empty net goal and you don't have to worry about your car payments.
by Mike109999 January 31, 2022
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Derisive term for a situation where a chronic moocher tries to temptingly persuade you to "just give him one very last loan" supposedly in order to enable him to accomplish whatever he needs to do in order to become able to finally pay you back all that he owes you --- and possibly a bit extra as a gratitude gesture --- in one lump sum. The idea is that he still does not even possess a real "carrot" --- i.e., any actual cold hard cash --- to offer you, but he is merely offering you the empty-talk promise of a "whole bag or carrots" --- i.e., a large one-time payment-amount that is far greater than any of the individual loans you have given him so far -- if you continue to bust your a** on his behalf. And of course, this assertion, too, is itself usually just another worthless promise, similar to all the other times when said handout-seeker has come bawling and blubbering to you for financial assistance in the past.
The local preacher tried to tell me that if I toil my butt off and live a life of strict propriety and chastity, **maybe** I will be given great rewards in Heaven. Sounds like a classic "empty carrots-bag on a stick" promise to me --- why should I suffer the agonies of an extra-hard and boring existence, especially when I am not even assured of any recognition or benefits for my efforts, anyway???
by QuacksO December 8, 2018
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The residual garbage you are left with after a failed sexual experience; an unfilled condom.
Evan: "Sammmmmmaaaaaayyyy did you lay a fat nut on that chick's face last night?"

Sammy: "nah man... she made me use a condom, so you know I was left with an empty sack."

Eric: "Hey Gabe, why are you in such a bad mood, bro?"

Gabe: "Listen Brother, you'd be in a bad mood too if an empty sack was sitting YOUR trash bin."
by MadeThatBitchFRAMEOUS March 23, 2016
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