A Black person acting like a nigger, and a bitch. They’ll piss you off by disrespecting you, stealing from you, robbing, and mugging you, etc.
Michael: This guy named Jamal keeps stealing from me, and talking shit.
Kevin: Fuck him! He’s a nigger bitch!
by LinkxPeach August 18, 2022
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The term nigger bitch was originally created on 4Chan which would then spread to forums and other sites. Nigger bitch refers to a female who is dark in skin color. The specific sites of which this term is still utilized are unknown but it is believed that due to the time is was created most sites that had users using nigger bitch were either deleted or forgotten about over time.
Low Life Degenerate Josh: "Yo you're a nigger bitch!"
by Asuki K. August 17, 2022
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when you see to many black people in a short amount of time
I watched the NBA all star weekend and was niggered out by the end
by Nohomo79 March 12, 2020
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When you think somethings there/ meaningful when it really isn't.
I thought science was going to be useful, but it turns out its a nigger wang.
by A smartie3131 February 7, 2017
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A room/or place where niggers live,

pretty much where they would smoke weed and talk about which Costco or store they robbed from.

These rooms are more urban and differ from cracker Nazi wasp rooms
Micheal: yo Jake it’s been 4 ever you wanna go to amauls?
Jake: hell nah dude, I’m not going in that nigger room!
Micheal: Ok
by 001swigari_16 June 21, 2024
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"Native" American -- even though all injuns came to the Americas via a land bridge
Some casino niggers run casinos. Others live in trailers and drink mouthwash.
by Nathan Higgers and Michael Hun February 14, 2023
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A person who not only has, but is physically showing characteristics, of an inbred version of ignorance.
‘Their actions towards those who cared most about them, were very Niggerent…’
by Robby York August 21, 2022
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