Applying of filters on social media pictures to the point that the face resembles an oblivion NPC
Guy 1: look at this thot's new instagram picture.
Guy 2: yikes, looks like she got the oblivion treatment.
by nekoi_si_tam November 10, 2020
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When you let a guy go down on you during your period with the lighs off, kick hom in the face during climax and convince him the blood is the result of his nosebleed
"This dude really liked me and drove across country to see me, turned out he was broke, so I gave him The Tidball Treatment"
by Stevie Beavie February 7, 2022
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Whenever movie critics rate a movie, they give extra points to it for being a Disney movie.
The Last Jedi received the Disney treatment, this giving it a 92% on rotten tomatoes.
by TornadoGordo December 24, 2017
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When someone (or a group of self-righteous assholes) pisses you off so much that you want to degrade them by forcing them to do something or act in a way that severely undermines/disrespects their culture Abu Gharibwaterboarding sleep deprivationtortureprison bitch
I hope that would-be rapist stalking my girlfriend doesn't ever meet me cuz I'll give him the detainee treatment

Those power-hungry despots parading around (in IL) claiming to be democrats deserve the detainee treatment for infringing on individual rights while taxing the hell out of hard-working people

Politicians that practice hypocrisy (ie bailing out bankrupt airlines and public transportation systems) while denying help to individuals who mismanage their finances deserve the detainee treatment.
by V3ngeance August 14, 2008
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Having sex doggie style with the woman's forehead pinned against a rough stucco wall.
Jane was acting uppity after spending time with her former sorority sisters so John decided to give her the stucco wall treatment.
by Zelmo72 October 21, 2021
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When you become so famous that you get put on a Wheaties box.
Friend 1 "Holy shit did you see they gave LeBron the Wheaties Box Treatment"
Friend 2 "What the fuck do you mean"
Friend 1 "Bro they put his face on a cereal box"
by Oofmaster420 September 22, 2021
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You take a shit, use it as a finger paint, and use it on your fuck buddy
Hey babe, do you want a mississippi mud treatment?
by random guy at school March 9, 2016
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