Or R.T.S.
It's lazyness applied to problems.
When there is something that you could solve very easily, by a simple action, but you simply don't.
The problem usually becomes very complicated, and it may loose the state of things where it is solved by a simple action, ending in havoc.
Procrastinators are very good at creating such a situations.
-Ey... Why don't you just throw that tofu away? It's been a week already, and this place seriously stinks
-You are right, I should.
-This is literally a R.T.S.

-Say, dude, why don't you tell Laura it's over? she is falling for you, and you don't care about her. Plus you are already into Amanda.
-You are right, I should. But I don't wanna hurt Laura.
-You will, eventually... god this is so a Rotting Tofu Situation.
by Martobe March 2, 2010
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The rotting of one's taint caused by diabetes medicine.
That new medicine the dr put me on for diabetes helped but now I got some serious taint rot.
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(n.) The consequences of not washing the vagina is a terrible smell (Think fish farm) and hardening of the skin around the cervix. While not actually a rot, so to speak, it is disgusting.
Elitist is in the final stages of giney rot.
by Gumba Gumba May 13, 2004
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A large and particularly smelly dump.
Stan: “Hey Slim, you done in the bathroom?”
Slim: “Yeah. I layed a Rot Log though so you may want to wait a few minutes.”
Stan: “I hate you Slim.”
by Kindgenius September 7, 2020
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When Ones so fat that items such as food gets wedged in between there fat roles and ferments giving the impression of rotting rolls
That bitch was so fat last nite I smelled her "roll rot" from behind the counter
by Cramer1990 December 18, 2011
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A dead animal that is slowly decaying or corroding.
Man 1: Hell, it stinks like a dead rotting animal in here!
by big fat fucking balls December 19, 2021
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carrot rot that hobos will eat
joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot
joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot
by ;-; h e l p October 15, 2020
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