Sock monkey and part time Morris Dancer. Lover of haggis. Trumpy is lovely.
Trumpy ate all my haggis. He is lovely.
by AgentNooner January 15, 2012
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A racist. Also known as a Trumpy, Trumpet, Klan member, or Neo-Nazi.
Trumpie: I have a bunch of statistics that say that black people are super dangerous. Trump would keep the scary black people from tainting our precious Aryan blood.
Rational Human Beings that care about other Human Beings: Fuck Trump. Black Lives Matter. Stop killing innocent people because of race.
by SmokeAHugeDick January 8, 2021
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Lacking empathy
Requires excessive admiration
An exaggerated sense of self-importance
Shows arrogant, haughty, patronizing, or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes
Don't be trumpy and disregard my feelings regarding the less fortunate.
by JoyceJim January 11, 2016
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Trumpy as in expensive. Derived from Donald Trump, American business magnate, television personality and author, known for his extravagant lifestyle.
Shall we go out to a restaurant for dinner? sure, just nowhere too Trumpy.
by IT Spod August 6, 2012
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A word that doesn't exist but was made by sensitive young people, often people who easily get offended use this word to call trump supporters.
That trumpie is spitting too many facts.
by January 13, 2021
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A smart person.. that knows what's best for the country and knows that 2A is important.

here comes the liberals.. i pray for y'all :)

trumpie: Yeah i'm a trumpie and i am not racist nor homophobic..but believe what you'd like.
liberal: you are racist, homophobic and a toxic human.
by MAGA2021 December 30, 2021
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Quit being so trumpy, you always get picked last at dodgeball cause you suck.
by Nic.col.lee November 6, 2020
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