When you freakishly obsess over a specific person and you get pissed off at anyone who claims him for theirselves. Especially Nicole Roberts who used to obsess over this kid named Sean.
Awh shit, man, Nicole won't stop fucking stalking me. This bitch is crazy, hating on my girlfriend and sending her hate messages.
by loliluvme July 26, 2011
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Obsessively observing.
“Was she stalking him?”
“Well, no...but yes.”
I mean, she was obsessively observing him.”
by S Allison October 2, 2019
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A female or females who are secretly following you around with you knowing or without you knowing because she/they are odsessed wants to have sex with you because you make her horny
by Potent penis in the anus August 26, 2020
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something a dumb ugly guy does when you DONT WANT HIM. No you didnt just ask her out or flirted , she told you NO 500 times and you didnt hear it. No one looks at your myspace. Youre delusional and sick and need a life stalker boy.
he was STALKING her and he tried to pass it off as FLIRTING.
by ddfg November 26, 2007
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to stalk (verb, tr.)

1. to hang out with, to go out with, to visit.
I really want to stalk my friend Cheech tonight, but I think he has a date with Chong. I guess I'll stalk my mom instead.
by jamie February 26, 2004
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Bit of the bud everyone always leaves until there's no weed left, and it becomes gold.
'Aww, that's the last of the weed...'
'It's ok, fancy a stalk shottie?'
by morvy March 1, 2010
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When a person continuously tries to pull someone into a conversation while the latter tries to walk away.
David Devito was pretty stalkative when an annoyed Joe Pesci was trying to leave.
by Judicator_718 September 25, 2020
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