A word used by Christina to describe perverts who ogle her
She felt dirty as she got oogled
by sarge October 9, 2005
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A word used to describe how much flow a person has.
That girl has oogles of flow up in hur.
by TOldyouBITCH April 16, 2010
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v. Unprovoked scrutinization of one's fingers, often while fingers are in motion. Related to checking the digits.
Charlotte: "I don't understand how Anne gets so much amusement out of looking at her fingers."
Emily: "Pssh, I've caught you oogling the doodlings plenty of times."
by flammable_hammable March 23, 2010
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When God and Google merge to give us every possible answer to every possible question mankind has ever had!
I think I'll God-oogle that!
by debash120754 November 5, 2011
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To concurrently speak with authority on a subject you have no advanced knowledge of while also recognizing and appreciating that all of your knowledge on the subject was obtained while doing research on your phone while on the toilet.

From the French L'eau + google. The French “guardez l'eau”, meaning “watch out for the water”, refers to the medieval European practice of throwing the contents of chamber pots out the window and into the streets in a way not entirely dissimilar to the way "facts" are thrown into conversation in the early 21st century.
I heard shoving a cactus up your ass can prevent you from getting <disease of your choice> but what do I know, I just l'eau-oogle 'd that.
by itchymonkey December 28, 2022
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sunglasses to be worn by a gentleman who want to stare at a beautiful woman undetected.
David views a georgeous girl approaching his car. "Stop everything! Where are may oogle goggles? She is B E A utiful"
by David Michmer.... January 15, 2009
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1. One who commutes to college via mommy. See weaksauce
2. Someone of low attention span. ADD
2. Someone with a nipple on his ear.
dAnCiNxM oOgLe is a homosexual
by Monkey :D October 4, 2004
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