According to Webster and my experience in Iowa, this is a drinking spree.
Lets get that jag on!
by ewhogg March 17, 2007
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1. To screw up
2. A situation that has been screwed up
1. Oh man, I jagged so hard on that test!
2. Our attempt to organize a frisbee game was such a jag...nobody came.
by arianasp1989 July 23, 2006
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somebody younger than you that you can go to for advice, trust, or just company. Age doesn't define wisdom. Age is only a restriction if you let it be and a jag is someone who is willing to always help people.
I wasn't having a good day so I went to my friend Ethan; he's such a jag.
by Vedo December 8, 2013
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Hangover- to get a “jag” on.
I’ve got a bit of a jag on, too much wine last night!
by No Ka Oi December 22, 2018
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1.- an irreplaceable word to describe mind-fucking-blowing radical awesomeness.

2.- a human property that measures and emanates awesomeness
Guy 1: Bitch, them kickers you has are Jag!
Guy 2: No man, you is Jag!

Jason: Happy birthday dude!
Karl: Man I saw Kevin's mom's pink taco
Jason: Oh man, that's fucking Jag!

Guy 1: Cindy is going to be a tough one
Guy 2: Bro, she won't be able to handle all my sweet-loving Jag!
Guy 1: Man I also saw Kevin's mom's pink taco
Guy 2: JAG!
by goodolewombat April 23, 2013
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Really lame or gay. Could be a situation you're in. Word originates from looking at the bottom of a reebok shoe seeing a jagged sole- this is seen as very homosexual.
John: I really wanna do something today and get out of school...
Marcus: yeah man i agree this school has been so jagged recently.

Example 2

Bob: That girl over there is so hot, you reckon i should go in for it?
Dave: Yeah shes hot but i spoke to her earlier and she was well jagged, i reckon shes a proper nerd.
by therealurbandictionary July 18, 2009
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