Statement exclaimed when a sarge is running or ordering his marines to run.
MARINES! Start your engines!! Hit hoo hat HUR!!!
by The Wandering Minstrel July 10, 2006
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This is how one might say the word "burger" if they were perhaps from certain areas of Eastern Europe and were to work as a waitress in an American-themed restaurant.

To the untrained ear it sounds like four seperate words are being said - or in extreme circumstances even two seperate sentences.
Joel: I am gonna have a burger and lashings of Ginger Beer; so Sherri, what are YOU going to have off the menu?

Sherri: A burger I reckon...and bubbles...

Sarah: Yep - me too...burger n bubbles sounds good.

Steven: Guys, I don't mean to be a copycat but I think I will opt for the burger too...

Waitress: So that is fo-ur Beu-urr-gh--hur-ger yes?

- What just happened?
- She ok?
- Maybe we should we get a medic or something??

Waitress: (Interrupting) SO THAT is fo-ur Beu-urr-gh--hur-ger yes?

Yes THATS right... four of T-H-O-S-E please...
by Mary Lou Rivers September 24, 2007
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Originated in Great Yarmouth. Is believed to mean "get a room" but was distinctively blurred and slurred through the one centimeter thick caravan wall. Was intended to stop an incident of anal sex from occuring whilst someone was in earshot. Can be used to prevent any type of sexual activities from taking place or one should make his own judgement as to when it is appropriate to use.
Person A is about to indulge in some sort of sexual activity...
Person A says: Oh baby i will only bum u if u insert it yourself.
Person B can be present in the room or simply in earshot of a conversation
Person B says: Hurmmmm
by Philly pah pah pah pah April 28, 2004
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Person 1: Damn, who is that lean Pakistani male?
Person 2: Oh that's Hur-Ali
by Seannnie November 22, 2021
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soloist, dancer, actor (yoohan of color rush) singer, writer and producer of his songs, cool baby, pretty catboy, the most sweet boy on the earth, hot but smart, a talented boy.
hyunjunist 1: omg!! hyunjun hur will release their first album!!
hyunjunist 2: hyunjun hur is the best soloist of this generation
by DIE4MI February 25, 2021
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