When someone's face is so ugly it resembles one's buttocks.

Butt-like head= headbutt
Ross Noble: "That's a bum-faced kid!"
Random person: "Eeewwww! He's got a headbutt!
by Liakias July 22, 2009
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An euphemism for fellatio, oral sex, an act performed by a person on the penis of a male, the opposite of cunnilingus. The term was created by “The Man” and has become popular due to its frequent use on the legendary podcast Slacker and The Man. It is important to this podcast not to offend their sensitive listeners, many being doctors and lawyers.

Terminology: A headbutt is a strike with the head, typically striking a sensitive area of an opponent. A unicorn is a horse like animal with a long horn believed to have healing powers. If you haven’t figured it out yet, unicorn is another euphemism for that most honored part of the male anatomy, the penis. Put the two together and it is easy to create an image in the mind of a woman charging with her face first into a gentleman’s lap - the beginning of oral sex on a man.
FNG: Did you see that chick in the Poison Ivy costume?"
Snuggles the Fister: "Yeah, she is totally going to headbutt the unicorn tonight."
Mashers: "What's headbutt the unicorn?"
The Man: "The opposite of headbutt the buffalo."
Dobbs (singing): "Show me how to blow dudes, blow dudes..."
by Mashers69 March 28, 2014
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An expression used to threaten violence in a friendly manner, usually someone who can't think quickly enough to come up with a real insult. Can be used in conjunction with "shit on your chest"
be careful moite, or i will have to throw some headbutts, if you don't stop being batty, I will have to throw some headbutts then pin you down and shit on your chest
by lidzboizlidz September 26, 2013
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When a man puts a condom on his head inside out and ferociously darts forward and penetrates his partners anus with his head.
My boyfriend dumped me as i performed the Flying Scottish Headbutt
by RawBwobwob July 1, 2011
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see touching cloth, a slang expression for following through from a wet fart.
I headbutt undies and now i need to find a toilet fast or go home and clean myself up
by fuckheadsyd January 13, 2007
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When two men are going to town on a womans boobs and they get so carried away that they accidentally headbutt each other.

A North Carolina Headbutt is a good thing.
Guy 1: Dude, me and a buddy were motorboating Courtney so good last night that we did the North Carolina Headbutt.

Guy 2: You motorboated on Courtney?

Guy 1: Who hasn't?

Guy 2: True dat.
by A Motorboating Son of a Bitch January 25, 2008
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The Australian headbutt is the act of smacking a man in the testicles with another pair of testicles. This act is a descendant of the Egyptian Sand Goggles.
Dude Jake fell asleep on the couch, lets tuck up and give him an australian headbutt!
by Ripn888 October 4, 2021
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