a person who is totally aware of the correct way to do something, yet chooses to do so wrongly.
Someone who would put out an electrical fire with water.

"He put an electrical fire out with water? Of course he got electrocuted! What a Fucktard!"
by UrbanScribe7 January 26, 2017
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One who speaks and or acts before thinking. Often leading to heads shaking in utter dismay and a lack of friends on social media
(Not to be confused with a mental handicap)
"Damn...i just heard that Billy Bob is following Justin Beiber"
"Wow. What a fucktard"
by ImpossiBuddha April 18, 2015
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Someone who is doing something so stupid you can not believe it.
That guy is driving up the off ramp!. What a fucktard!
by Fred Dahhling January 21, 2010
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1. something so stupid, it is beyond retarded. 2. The most screwed up thing you have ever seen in your life
1. Why did you leap off the roof? That was fucktarded! 2. I paid 6000 dollars in taxes this year! That's fucktarded!
by Sam Bowles June 5, 2007
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A leotard with a hole in the crotch instead of snaps so you can get some quick in and out action between ballet performances.
Damn that ballet was boring, but Jenny wore her Fucktard and gave me a piece if I promised to stay for the whole show. It was worth it!!!
by Andi March 2, 2005
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