I pay 5 times as much in college tuition as the in-state guys for the same fucking classes, even though I have lived in the state for two years now. And to think that all the money is going to some corporate executive's pay bonus pisses me off royally.
by out-of-state student November 6, 2003
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1. a place where knowledge is acquired all the while consuming incredible amounts of alcohol and cannabis.

2. a place young adults go to supposedly get a "good" job, but when they graduate, are disappointed to find that they can't find a job.
Shit, I can barely remember college.
by Alpha79 November 22, 2005
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4 years of digging yourself into a hole of debt that you may be able to escape in 20-30 years. Classes are about the only interesting thing in college. The people are usually stupid, spoiled rich kids who thing getting drunk on a Wednesday night, MTV, rap, drugs, alcohol, fraternities, sororities, and lame ass parties are the neatest things on the planet. Earning a degree is considered a gateway to a higher-paying income bracket. But in this economy, who knows?
-I can't earn my degree from college any sooner.

-Most college students seem to be considered useless by the rest of the general population.

-Why do people seek to prolong adolescence in college anyway?
by Sergio Valente January 12, 2005
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a place to get drunk, have sex, and then start all over again. Oh by the way it's a place to get an edukacion...i mean edukation... shit education, there we go
After nine years at a junior college, i finally graduated and then become CEO of Penthouse
by Zachary Brown October 15, 2004
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This place is the best place to go if you are to become something like a doctor, or scientist, etc. Basically if you need to learn and study the aspects of a serious field then you should go.

Otherwise? Don't go. It's the biggest waste of time since wasting time was invented. You learn all about nothing, do assignments on nothing, read and watch nothing, listen to the teacher talk about nothing, and you do this day after day after day.... Until the weekend where you do things you like to do and rest up to get through another week of pointless nothing! Forget anything you've ever heard about college. Yeah, that prhrase about college being "the best time of your life is a major scam!" There are a lot of professions where college is unnecessary. But hey, don't let me stop you if you want to go. - Just don't come crying to me once you find out your mistake because all I'll be able to do is say "I told you so!" Good luck!
Girl #1: "I am totally hating college right now. I have transferred twice and I still don't see the point in all of this, I just want to work on a cruise ship!"

Girl #2: "Oh my God, me too!!! This totally sucks, but at least we have each other. Hey when the summer comes let's both get a job on a cruise ship and never go back to school."

Girl #1: "Sounds like a plan to me!"

Girl #2: "We are so out of here!"
by Waterlily April 19, 2012
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the reason why I'm not yet technically considered an alcoholic
Greg: You've drank every single night this week. You're for sure an alcoholic.

Brian: It's not considered alcoholism until after college, my friend.
by YuppyTheYuppie September 6, 2010
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A maximum security prison that costs money to get into.
Aw, I'm going to college...
by Anonymous August 17, 2003
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