Current a concept character for Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater.

He's this guy who can spit out bees, and even control them, because he has a queen bee in his backpack.
"A guy who can spit out bees.....riiiiight."
by Dave September 13, 2004
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Once a cobra bit Chuck Norris' leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died.
by Mitchell FeZ November 19, 2007
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You: Oww! That fucking hurt!
Other guy: That's pain for ya.
by Flealan July 18, 2006
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(The)Pains is a term that describes a person experiencing explosive diarrhea. Usually very painfull and quite often. Occurs mostly after eating spicy food.
Butch ate a spicy habanero taco and then ran to the restroom screaming as he was about to hit the john and have the Pains!
by Dylan January 11, 2005
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Pain can be felt on two levels. The pain that absolutely breaks you till you can't do it anymore or the pain thats literally means getting slapped. Both hurt though.
person 1: that persons face screams in pain
person 2: all payne no liam
by Rashel1308 November 7, 2020
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What happens when you stub your pinky toe.
''The meaning of true pain is the stubbing of pinky toes..''
by MayaW. October 11, 2016
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