to hit really hard; to get hit really hard; to be in excrutiating pain after being hit really hard.
1.O dude, I just narfed my toe on that nail! My toe is narfed.

2.(referring to a deer getting hit by a car)...Look at that deer! It just got totally narfed by that car!

3."I'm gonna narf your face!"
--that dude just got narfed.
by Al gurl January 12, 2009
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An abnormaly large, gapeing hole on the face. Some may refer to it as a mouth. More often than not contains insanely enormous horse like teeth. A person with a NARF most likely laughs like a donkey on drugs.
"Please shut your NARF, you're frightening my children."
"Dude, I just ate a really hot pepper.. My NARF is on fire!"
by Pink Pony February 26, 2013
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1. one who resembles a turtle.
2. someone under the age of 15, and has a moustache & beard with patches of missing hair in it.
3. a person with facial deformities, as a result of their mothers abusing drugs while pregnancy.
4. a word that suggests "fooling around."
by jenn March 24, 2005
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To deeply inhale one's own fart to prevent it from permeating into one's surroundings.
Conor, you better narf that fart or I'm kicking you out of my car.
by Bosstowncrazypants April 7, 2011
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the dangly-down thing between the legs of a kangaroo

that one time when i met joe at the store he was like.


nice narf.
Joe: "dude! your kangaroo has a nice narf"
Me: "dude. i know. its gigantic."
Joe: "i want one."
Me: "you'll get it someday. i can loan you mine if you want it, but you'll have to do a little dance for me"
Joe: "will that be polka or waltz?"
Me: "waltz will do."
*joe starts waltzing*
Me: "joe you're dumber than jason jensen. here's your narf"
by --3993-- July 12, 2006
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A word screamed in times of pain, randomness, and happiness.
Ted hurt his toe as he narked, he screamed narf!.

Hunter got a letter saying he was accepted into harvard he screamed narf shortly after.
by Ted Pfeiffer August 2, 2008
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