Term referred to rap specifically referred to underground rap from australia, gutter typically is just a boom-bap type beat with someone with an australian accent rapping over it. A good example of this would be artists: Chillinit, Wombat, Nerve, Skrub, Triple One, Alex Jones, Mitchos Da Menace, Dunn Dee and many more
Chillinit: "Brudda brudda brudda
Did I stutter stutter?
This is gutter gutter for you motherfuckers"
by Captainassface April 16, 2019
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a stoner in the go to church song by ice cube
if you a gutter mother F#$%er do your dirt
by holtben0 July 3, 2006
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I could walk in her gutter and she wouldn't feel a thing.
by BlankWall November 10, 2009
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something that's like super hella perverted and shouldn't have been said 2 ur friends cause it just makes the convo more awkward
KT: OMG i love ur afro
Chester: i love ur ass
KT: dude that was gutter

by Baby_Mama_Drama June 4, 2009
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The act of chatting to a girl on facebook, myspace or any other site like the aformentioned and attempting to slime your way into their pants when they tell you their bored and staring at the wall. Their bored at home, alone and you know it and want to f**k them!
mike was guttering stacy on facebook the other day but she just wasnt having it...personally id rather masterbate shes pretty ugly
by Mr Humphreys August 27, 2007
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A gutter is a place to get laid, that includes seepage after the fact.
Last night I seeped in a gutter.
by Gloria April 9, 2005
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