6 definitions by Gloria

A person tells another person "sorry" when they truly feel bad about something they did or feel bad for the obisit person. When someone explains they're "sorry" they regret what they did.
I'm sorry for that you lost your dog.
Sorry for making you mad
by Gloria June 29, 2015
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beautiful islands destroyed by muslims. It was an Independent Country before
it was takin by force from Indonesia the corrupted muslim country.
by Gloria December 23, 2004
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A gutter is a place to get laid, that includes seepage after the fact.
Last night I seeped in a gutter.
by Gloria April 9, 2005
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A female that's easy or sleeps around a lot.
You'd better check your man cuz that breezy's all up on him.
by Gloria October 19, 2002
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Moisty is a state that is reached due to eXtreme sexual stimulation. Moisty can also be used to describe the weather, if it is particually gluggy.
Oh stop it baby, you're making me moisty.
by Gloria April 9, 2005
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