beef stewing (definition #7) a girl (or a guy, i dont judge), and then kissing her/him.
after pastor tom ding dong ditched mary clarence, she decided she was going to penguin him the next time before she boston pancaking his brother
by clint from huntingtown December 20, 2009
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To ring someone's doorbell, hide, then leap out and sever their head, and dump the body in a ditch.
Lisa: You should have seen the look on Krabappel’s face.
Bart: You should have seen the look on Hoover’s face. In fact, here it is!
Lisa: You killed her?
Bart: Right! Like we agreed.
Lisa: I never said “kill”!
Bart: Yeah, ’cause you’re smart. You don’t say “kill”. You say “prank”. Like mom and dad say “snuggle” when what they really mean is “let’s lock the door and hug.”
Lisa: Well I didn’t kill Mrs. Krabappel.
Bart: So all you did was ring her doorbell and run?
Lisa: Yeah! Ding dong ditch!
Bart: “Ding dong ditch” means you kill her! Then you throw that ding dong into a ditch. Geez. Pick up a book
by a simple pseudonym October 12, 2016
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When you are giving a guy oral sex and as soon as he is going to cum you get the hell out of the way as quickly as possible. "Ditching" It.
"I totally ding dong ditched John last night"
"Man she ding dong ditched me yesterday in bed!"
by Usteen The Zombie Queen February 25, 2010
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The act of removing one's penis in pursuit of becoming a woman.
My teacher Mr. Buckworth had a ding dong ditch this summer and now goes by Francine.
by mung-fu March 8, 2017
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Acronym/ DDDD, The matter of ding dong ditch'ing other peoples houses and normally is done on a December.
Yo, Jeoffrey, Wanna do ding dong ditching December with me? Its going to be a whole lot of fun!!!
by 󠀀 December 5, 2018
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The childhood prank that used to be known as “ding dong ditchback in the day before everyone had their own Glocks and AR-15s for “home protection.”
I’ve told my kids that should they ignorantly choose to go and ring a neighbor’s doorbell as a prank that they may be engaging in their last game of deadly ding dong ditch!
by Dr Bunnygirl June 6, 2023
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When an Asian is analing someone in the ass and then pulls out and runs away right before they're about to cum.
Stacy: Omg Chung Ho totally ding dong ditched my ass last night
Jill: Ooh that sounds like fun!
by lmaooops November 15, 2016
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