Used to describe people who aren't horny and don't understand sexual innuendos.
Me: "So yeah, I heard that Chad and Jennifer reached third base during the party last night."
Sherman: "Third base? What's that?"
Me: "Do you know what sex is you fucking pes?"
by Havyair June 16, 2021
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a generic word that can be ambiguous in all situations. it can be used to describe a feeling, place, object, action, etc... it is whatever you want it to be.
you can use it to break the ice or whatever else you want it to do.
Greg: I really like this girl but I don't know what to say to her...
Stacy: Just say "pe". It works every time.
by muuffin September 8, 2019
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n- Abbr. Post Ejaculation Syndrome
The inability to be sexually aroused by women, or any sexual stimulus, immediately following ejaculation. Symptoms usually last 5-10 minutes.
Fillip: Check out tha buns on dat hoe! Dontcha just wanna take a bite?

Pete: Ugh, naw man. I got PES

Fillip: Yo Doug, das nasty. Yo gotsta wash yo hands, boi!
by BiddyBizz July 23, 2008
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Piss Enema: Anal sex with the express intent of urinating into the recipients rectum.
Man, he filled my colon up with all his hot piss during that PE he gave me & now must hold it for as long as possible before expelling it, but my sphincter is straining under the pressure; am leaking piss, here.
by TrapperBon-Bon November 3, 2015
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Pretty Emu, Penis Enlargement, Purple Elephant, Power decide
yeah ask amanda r jenn...but yOU WILL NEVER KNO THE REAL ANSWER!! AHAHAH
by PEroxmysox April 20, 2005
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Kid 1: Hey, do you know what PE stands for?
Kid 2: Yeah, it stands for Pointless Exercise!
Kid 1: I thought it stands for Physical Education..
Kid 2: Well your wrong!
by M Pandu December 12, 2019
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Plastic Explosive - Usually followed by a number value denoting the type of explosive.
PE-4 British form of C4 but better
by HAPPYK July 1, 2007
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