A combination of "dope" and "nice," thus being exceptionally good.
Kid from "My Brother and Me": That Kendall Gill is pretty dice.
by Scalabrini December 25, 2003
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a russian man holding a dice is daddy:)
the cheez-itz are out
by george washingtonxoxo June 10, 2021
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a nickname given to an irrefutable worthless piece of shit. Characteristics of this piece of shit includes huge teeth, dad sells gloves for a living,sucking a lot of cock, countless evictions,killing his mom to continue sexual relations with his dad, crying like a baby due to no friends,countless lonely nights due to people not wanting to call him, losing one ski, wasting money on Simpsons, apologizing when he gets dominated, thinks he can play tennis even though he sucks at sports, drives a piece of shit Thunderbird,afraid of movies like Saw II, gets Minnesota Cannonballed and New Jersey Nasal Sprayed by his dad. Others include assuming the position and getting repeatedly pounded in the ass by his dad and being extremely jealous and saying se dino for no reason, kicking people in the shins because he is too big of a pussy to hit someone when he can see the attack coming becausw he has no fighting skills. Also, he is the lowest possible level in society being the dirtiest of dirt, no one can ever be as low as this piece of shit is.
Zack is nicknamed Dice because he fits the definition perfectly. What a worthless piece of shit.
by Dirt Murph January 31, 2008
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A Term used when you've Cut someone. This Could be a Figurative Cut (As in, you insulted someone), or a Real Cut.
"Man, First that guy Wipped out his Katana and cut you, then he called your mom Fat... You got Double Diced"
by Immortal-Jake May 4, 2006
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A word that means 'disconnected', coming from the abbreviation 'd/ced' by turning the / to an i.
<someguy>wb dude
<otherguy>thx man, i got diced
by Josh November 25, 2003
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1. a word used when something meets your satisfaction
2. can be used as a threat
1. Sara: I got you something for your birthday , but you have to wait to see it
Abi: Awe, thanks man, thats so dice ?

2. Sara: I forgot to finish our project !
by mechael April 21, 2009
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