When someone goes Puerto Rico on someone or when someone goes to Puerto Rico during sex, it means that she/he/div. licked the other person's genitals-more specifically the other's person asshole, because the person goes singing "ay ay ay (Puerto Rico)" from the excitement.
-So, how did it go last night?

-She/he/div. went Puerto Rico on me.
She/he/div. went to Puerto Rico on me and I was like "ay ay ay".
by ChrisJohny May 20, 2021
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When you shit a fat log, freeze it, then carefully shove it in your girls vagina so she clenches down on it. So eventually it melts then you stitch her vagina up for her rebounds surprise.
" Man Clarissa just makes me wanna shove my Puerto Rican Frozen Banana down her throat."
by Young Jazo July 9, 2018
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Southern part of Brooklyn also known as Coney Island. Riviera season is June til September. Signs of the season include but not limited to an increase of Honda's & Nissan's with PA, VA, & NJ temp tags parked along Surf Ave with empty Coors Light cans leading a trail to the brown sandy beach.
I saw Mexicans playing volleyball with a soccer play on the Puerto Rican Riviera last year.
by 15plus1 May 2, 2022
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Generally a Puerto Rican from the Bronx containing lack of “drip” or “swag”.
Usually wearing clothes that could be found in the display or V.i.m. Bootcut jeans with Rips and fitted hats with atrocious logos.l such as “Bronx hustler” or “Grind”..
Jose:Hey you heard that new Pete powerz I think that niggas fly.
Manio: I think that nigga a new balance Puerto Rican.
by Mr Milk February 11, 2020
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The same idea as a Dirty Sanchez. However, instead of using fecal matter to draw the mustache you use the blood of a woman's menstrual cycle to paint a glorious artistic old school latin mustache on her upper lip after sex.
Definition: A play on words from the original "Dirty Sanchez". A Dirty Sanchez is using fecal matter after sex to paint a mustache on your sexual partners face. The Rusty Puerto Rican is a play on it using the blood of your menstruating partner. Painting a mustache on their face using their bodily fluids.

Example: After Maria informed Antonio that "Aunt Flow" was in town for a few days, Antonio decided to be very creative with his love making. He wanted to leave her something special to remember him by.

His first inclination was to be traditional, but he chose the back door avoiding "Flow". Soon, overcome with passion he proceeded to confront "Flow" head-on. To his surprise she was truly glorious and it suddenly occurred to him he now had multiple options. Maria was trembling in ecstasy as he began to lose total control alternating hole to hole ... ALL NIGHT LONG.

As he removed his utterly aching, thoroughly chaffed member from her for the last time he instinctively reached down to find a wad of the apple butter they spent the entire night churning together and decided to artfully paint a "Rusty Puerto Rican" mustache upon her face.
by DirtyOrbit November 4, 2021
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A national Puerto Rican holiday which is celebrated every Monday so that they can have a 3 day weekend
Jose siding show up for work said it was a Puerto Rican monday
by Bhixton6500 March 8, 2021
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