A book on farming.

Also a great joke about the vagina being so wet that the noise made while having intercourse is so loud that it may wake up neighbors. Thus it is too wet to plow.
by DroppingBOWS October 2, 2014
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I am going out into my cousins field to see if I can bury my plow
by Thundercuntblaster October 25, 2016
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when you get hit in the face so hard that it knocks you back a couple feet.
guy: so i heard you got into a fight last night
friend: yeah, i gave this guy the worst mouth plow ever! it was hilarious.
by zxcmega July 16, 2011
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Phrase calling out inadequacy in a persons performance, most often while running.

Stems from the ancient practice of plowing fields where farmers found greater speeds when pulling the plow shallower in the ground.
Pull the plow up and finish the marathon in less than 3 hours you slow bastard!
by embarrassedforyou October 9, 2020
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When you drive behind a redneck in an aggressive manor and eye fuck them into driving fast at night; while following them closely so they clear the road of all deer, other animals, and debris. Best works if they keep thinking you want to pass them..
The deer are nuts tonight so I’ll be Deer Plowing a redneck from the gas station so I can get home faster to play call of duty..
by Darr the Starr November 20, 2021
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moldboard plowing is when you take your boards and make them a lkittle moldy with a plow and that's that.
"Hey Jessica, let's do some moldboard plowing later... if you're down ;)"
by earthworm friend supreme April 11, 2022
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When 11 bearcats bend over the bench and coach plows frozen footballs lace deep… anally
Behind every Ohio loss is a cincinnati snow plow for punishment.
by Chody pokes January 8, 2023
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