Who is ramen?
Hes the kind of person who fucks up every single thing in his path.. anything that is good for him or bad....
1:Hey do you know ramen?
1:hes the one who fucks up everything... for example the party we had yesterday..
2:what a cunt...
by Anyone in the name of ramen November 4, 2019
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yoo look at that person named ramen!”
“yeah they’re so hot
by soursuki November 18, 2021
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A code word used for Marijuana by many people. The purpose is so one can openly discuss the subject in public, or around those who don't advocate the consumption because people will simply think you are talking about the delicious instant lunch, Ramen Noodles. (ie: parents, religious leaders, or pigs)

Based on the logic that you cook Ramen Noodles in a "pot," and consume ramen in a "bowl."
Brad: Hey Jessica, wanna go pick up some ramen after school?
Jessica: Sure dude, lets eat a huge bowl! ;)
Brad: Sweet, we can eat in my barn.
by Casanovlea March 30, 2015
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dude : What's up guys, I'm trying that NEW viral RAMEN HACK! but with a SPECIAL TWIST... In 1998 U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered the destruction of the largest pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, launching 13 Tomahawk cruise missiles. The plant was pulverised, reduced to nothing but broken medicine bottles and rubble. The U.S. government claimed that the plant was used to make chemical weapons, but officials later said that there was no proof that the plant had been manufacturing or storing chemical weapons. The destruction of the plant wiped out more than half of Sudan's medicine in an instant. Because Sudan was under a U.S. sanction embargo, Sudan could not recuperate for the loss, and as a result, tens of thousands of people, many of them children, have suffered and died from malaria, tuberculosis, and other treatable diseases.

dude 2 : what the fuck
by sillycat13 April 29, 2023
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Ramen (In this case a name of a person) is a intelligent, laid-back, athletic young man. You can easily vibe with this guy. He will always have your back no matter, he is literally the definition of LOYALTY.
by Ayeman7664 November 6, 2021
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The act of eating Ramen in a bowl on the floor because one does not care about staining their shitty college carpet but they do care about wrecking the duvet they did not have to purchase because its going to have to last for more than a few years and mom and dad are getting WAY less generous....
"Welp its a Tuesday time for some floor ramen. Don't want to stain that duvet no sir."
Friend: "What the fuck is wrong with you eat at the desk you weirdo"
"But on the desk are the papers in the notebooks I also did not have to buy"
Friend: "Just stop get yourself together"
by No stain all the gain #jesus February 6, 2018
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The “Fueled By Ramen” Effect refers to the idea that whenever a band gets signed to the record label Fueled By Ramen, their sound becomes a lot more pop-oriented and generic. The idea seemed to cement itself in reality shortly after Fueled By Ramen joined the umbrella label Elektra in 2018.
Person 1: “Yo, are you excited for the new Waterparks album?”
Person 2: “Nah, the Fueled By Ramen Effect got to them. The new stuff just doesn’t hit as hard.”
by defnotapseudonym October 12, 2023
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