That is a metric mother-of-god ton of money in your bank account...
by RoarMc March 29, 2017
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Alice: did you see Ton-Thang today?
Victor: nope, he’s probably in jail for stealing condoms
by toninette November 23, 2021
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When a woman's vagina your head and neck whole getting a Chinese massage.
Man she climbed on the table, started rubbing my back & gave me a Won-Ton Cowboy Hat.
by Lib-Lab June 10, 2017
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The Creative Pragmatist can be a conundrum to others; for their commensurate passion for a balance between creativity and utility to feel like their best selves. The color theory of One, Ton, or None is about nailing a fluid style where the eye can rest. One pop of color gives focus where two pops can distract. Ironically, a full flood of colors creates calm. And conversely, the absence of color – through neutrals – is a color story worth trying.
Person 1: Omg I love your outfit today, it’s colorful yet you don’t look insane.

Person 2: Thank you, I’m representing the Ton in One, Ton, or None.
by Iamcreativepragmatist August 6, 2021
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Man look at all these fries!

Yea man that's a boo boo ton!
by Zachwal48 March 31, 2017
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Did you get your Comeback Stamp for the day? Get tons of bonus XP!
Did you get your Comeback Stamp for the day? Get tons of bonus XP!
by banana guy68419 October 12, 2022
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A nice company made by amogus
I work at MC ton
by Sisiejis October 22, 2022
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