Brilliant idea! I didn't use social media for the first 27 years of my life and LOOK HOW I TURNED OUT! I'M THE GREATEST MIND WHO HAS EVER LIVED!
Hym "Yeah that social media ban for kids under 18 is brilliant because in like 13 years we'll have a generation full of adults who spent their childhood gestating in a solipsistic cocoon. It'll be fun to see what types of new horror they unleash upon the world... You'll have yourself an army of ME running around. Love it. Love the sound of that."
by Hym Iam March 28, 2023
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Hon Ban is a Chinese/Japanese boy, he is the best and the most hottest student in school. His steaming hot hair style with his intelligent brain, he is the most suitable friend to have. He is also charming, adorable, sweet, you love to have a boyfriend like him. You be the luckiest girl alive having him at your side. He's good at cooking, cleaning, and he is the Jack of all trades

He loves games, anime, Fandom,
He disliked cold stuff. He likes being in warm and cozy temperatures
"Hon Ban is my man" said Veronica.
"Omg, your so lucky to have him" reply Tiffany
by November 24, 2021
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On December 17th any dumb fuck who harasses the owner gets a ban
Wow this idiot sent a dumb meme on ban day
by MarshallDevilTeach December 17, 2022
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The place where unwanted individuals go when banned from the internet.
Fucktard: asl showtitsplz
Mod: Fucktard-Banned
Fucktard: Oh shit, i'm in Ban-dy Land. Hey look, there's the Ban-dy King!
by Iron Patriot July 17, 2009
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Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.
U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned

Something that will randomly pop up when you try to search urban dictionary on urban dictionary. Alright, I've defined the word.

U... R... B...

Ur banned? Not what I was searching for but I'm bored so I guess I'll click on It anyway.

"Ur banned...

Wow, this definition sucks!
by udontknowmeidontknowu November 30, 2020
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When tinder bans hot bitches because you're making all the uglies jealous. Usually following an occasion of hooking up with a married man.
Cindy:"I got a tinder ban!"
Cindy:"I probably hooked up with a dude that has a fat wife."
Elle:"He cheated on his slu with you!"
Cindy:"He said he'd never been married, these slu's can't keep their husband's happy!"
by Eve4 May 28, 2022
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