When you’ve been in a dirty public place, likely a city like Nashville on Broadway or the “L” in Chicago and you get home and have to take all your clothes off and shower but still feel itchy.
*scratches itches all over one’s torso after returning home from Broadway and bumping butts with a hundred people
“Man, I got the public place itches!!”
by CBer361 May 31, 2023
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When you suddenly feel a compulsive need to add a definition to Urban Dictionary, usually after coining or re-defining a witty term or phrase.
Person 1: "So when I get disgusted and spit out my gum, I call it 'A case of the ickies'..."
Person 2: "Haha damn, we gotta share that with the world. I've got the Urban Itch."
by DukeT November 24, 2010
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when you shake while itching, related to a nervous disorder
my doc wouldnt give me any meds for my itch twitch, he thought i was drug seeking
by lilsamsixty9 June 2, 2021
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my cooch itch... 🤡
“my cooch itch”
by dickssssss April 2, 2019
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I couldn't scratch my bush itch because I was sitting in teacher in -service.
by YaYa's August 30, 2015
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noun; multiple scabs in genital area that makes one itch, while on the road.
"Wow Clayton, I think I have the road itch."
by xbrianx November 28, 2009
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