A small amount of food kept or saved for snacking purposes at a later time.
Justin put the half-eaten bag of stale chips into his backpack for Safe Laters.
by Shufk March 2, 2009
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Something that tackles retail therapy. Allowing you to make purchases and pay for it when you’re okay again.
“This day sucked so I’m just gonna buy now, pay later with Klarna. Life is not perfect but my outfit can be.”
by VON_Schlippenbach June 9, 2020
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a variation of goodbye. The expression "hoagie" is slang for a good friend. Therefore "hoagie" should only be used in this context if you are talking to someone that you are really close to.
Eduardo:"Maybe if I keep saying 'later hoagie,' it will stick."

Me: ok...
by Carrotine February 17, 2011
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The study of proving Elicia wrong in a dramatic way
Hey, did you see how silly Elicia looked when Thatcher said Laterally Objective Liberalism

Yeah, but he proved her wrong
by The_Word_Scaper May 19, 2021
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About at least more than a year later though not two (yet), I be looking at my old definitions from last year and I compare it to how much i've changed as a person this year. Some things were alright alto some if the things I say in those definitions are WACK asf. I'm def not the same person I was a year ago, I'll tell u that much. A few things have never changed like how I have many admirers, love to have a good time, spiritual diva asf, good intuition, etc. Things that did change includes the fact that I am much more humble especially when it comes to my confidence and who I am as a being. I am also more respectful with myself too! I was never a bad person, but looking back at my old definitions tells me I felt like I needed to prove a point as well as myself to everyone because I felt very misunderstood which I know now that I don't need to do that as I stopped giving a damn about what others might think of me. I even cut out all of the people that were super toxic in my life and i've never been happier. I seriously underwent a huge transformation and i'm super happy about it. I'm proud of how far i've come especially in this past year. For those that are currently going through similar or the same thing that I went through, u will get through it, I promise u that. As long as u put in the effort to work on your self as well as the self-love u need, u got this.
Person 1: Wow. I did not see that coming.

Person 2: I honestly did like her before, but now I like her even more! Damn, what a year later can do to someone.

P.S- Im forced to define this so : Damm, A Year Later
by Miapapz December 2, 2020
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