2 definitions by Solidus55

1. A way of sarcastically saying goodbye.

2. A response for when someone says something unbelievable. (More accent is used on "cool")

3. A way of saying you're going to ignore someone.

The louder you say it the better.
Person A:"Hey I'll see you tomorrow."
Person B:"Whatever, cool-later."

Person A:"Jason had sex with five chicks last night!"
Person B:"Coooool-later..."

"Pssh, I gave that biatch the old Cool Later."
by Solidus55 June 3, 2009
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A word or phrase that a particular person is well known for using.
Person A: "I totally made that word up!"
Person B: "Yeah, right why do you have to steal my spit like that?"
by Solidus55 June 3, 2009
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