Max is a person that is an absolute cooker. Uses ridiculous sayings too try and finds the smallest thing about a person to bully them about. Max has a special bond with demons
Oi max you cooker stfu before I smash you
by Bryanoffsmokepacket December 9, 2018
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Max is a great guy and an amazing boyfriend. At first he may be a little shy but once you get to know him he is really sweet and caring. He is also really funny and very talkative. He's someone you definitely don't want to lose. So even if your parents make it hard for you to talk to him, or some crazy disease infects the world and you can't go to school and see him everyday, don't let that stop you from being with him. Also he's really smart but humble about it. And he's super cute.
I ❤️ u max.
by ihatemath07 April 24, 2020
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A kid who if you make him mad eats your lunch.
Yo that kid just ate my cookie. He’s probably a Max.”
by littlepp22 January 27, 2019
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Max is the hottest Man you will ever meet. Funny as fuck, the best person ever
Have u seen max?
He’s sexy as fuck
by Taberisgay42 October 18, 2019
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A fucking idiot who is lonely and uses people with mind games and last name usually starts with m and ends with 2 S
by Max sucks April 5, 2019
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That one Dumass who pretends to be a savage even though he’s a skinny piece of shit
Yo u see max
Yea that skinny picenof shit
by Jeffry69 June 13, 2020
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