A Goose Douche is an individual that orders Grey Goose Vodka bottle service at club due to the perception that the spirit imparts a certain level of status.
That Jersey guido thinks he's cool because he's paying $400 for a bottle of Grey Goose but most the girls in here realize that he's a Goose Douche.
by PLe1 March 6, 2009
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As the Fascist leader Mussolini was known as Il Duce, the term "Il Douche" is used to describe the number one leader of douchebags(you know who you are) and/or all that is douchey............
Carl was bestowed with the name Il Douche as a result of his tendency to be a major d-bag.
by sheila in the car July 21, 2010
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A person who brings their guitar to a house party, gets drunk, then proceeds to play said guitar in order to try and impress someone. This person is usually a gigantic douche and should be treated with a slap to the face and removal of guitar privileges.
Person 1: Dude, did you see Alex last night?

Person 2: Yeah, he was being such a guitar douche, it amazes me how he has friends.
by bananagrapefruit May 19, 2009
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An obnoxious gathering of douchebags, who exhibit pack-like behaviors. Similar to a gaggle of geese, school of fish or herd of buffalo.
We were drinking a few beers and having a good time until it was spoiled by the arrival of a douche pack.
by Son of Thor May 29, 2007
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Someone who is both a dick and a douche at the same time. Someone who may refuse to take the blame and passes it to another.
"Hey AshPen, did you leave that tissue on the table?"

"No, AdiKali did it."

"Don't Lie, I saw you, you DICKEY DOUCHE."
by LOLOL91123 April 20, 2009
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a person who has reached the pinnacle of douchebaggery. Imagine a douche flowing with the force of an atomic fire hydrant. That, is a Thunder Douche. First coined by ShayCarl of YouTube fame. It should always be capitalized.
A man who throws a woman against a wall, saying "look what you made me do" and later "forgiving" her for it establishes him as a Thunder Douche of epic proportions.
by Pipistrello January 17, 2009
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